IBSPoint Portfolio
Client: Adawat Kitchen Aid
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development and Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Rayan Shipping Agencies
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development and Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Eurabia Shipping & International Transport Co.
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development and Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Farsi Jewelry
Location: Saudi Arabia
Services: Web Site Development, Email Solution, Virtual Server Hosting, SSL certificates.
Client: Zaatarah & Co. Tourist and Travel Agency Group
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Rawafid Technology
Location: Saudi Arabia
Client: Axises Marketing Solutions
Location: Saudi Arabia
Services: Web Site Development, Email Solution, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Greenland Land Food
Location: USA
Services: E-commerce web site,Virtual Dedicated Servers,Secured SSL
Client: ASAS Training Center
Location: Saudi Arabia
Services: Web Site Development, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Jordan Society of Tourism & Travel Agents (JSTA)
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Management Manuals
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development and E-commerce web Development, Hosting.
Client: Digiland
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Email Solution, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Migrate
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Hosting on our Virtual Dedicated Servers, SSL.
Client: Oscar e-Business
Location: Jordan
Client: Aseaan Store
Location: Saudi Arabia
Client:Innovative Systems
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Email Solutions, Web Hosting
Client: Digital Copy
Location: Saudi Arabia
Services: Web Site Development, Email Solution, Virtual Server Hosting, SSL certificates.
Client: Business Crime Bureau
Location: Kuwait
Services: Web Site Development, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Murad & Mahani Investment Group
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Zakati
Location: Saudi Arabia
Services: Web Site Development, Email Solution, Virtual Server Hosting, SSL certificates.
Client: Sherazade Travel
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Hosting on Virtual Server Systems, SSL certificates.
Client: Knowledge Consulting
Location: Kuwait
Services: Design and Development, Email Solution, Emarketing, Virtual Server Hosting
Client: The Magic Herb
Location: USA
Services: Web Site Development and E-commerce web Development, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Benkon
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Email Solution, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Tally Building Systems
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development and Professional Hosting.
Client: Unity Trading EST. Hyundai Motor
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development, Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: Abu mahjoob cartoons caricature
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development and Virtual Server Hosting.
Client: USAID – Energy Sector Capacity Building Activity
Location: Jordan
Services: Web Site Development and Virtual Server Hosting.