Portal Home > Knowledgebase > SSL Certificate > EV SSL > EVSSL Application Details > Enhanced Certificate Details > Certificate Requestor
GlobalSign ExtendedSSL certificates from IBSPoint are validated according to a strict set of procedures defined by the CABForum (The CA Browser Forum). For this reason the certificate can only be purchased either directly by the Applicant or by an agent working on behalf of the Applicant. In either situation signatures must be received from both the certificate requestor and the contract signer. Please note that this could be the same person fulfilling both roles. In addition, GlobalSign verifies the certificate approver, i.e. the person with authority to approve the certificate requestor′s right to request certificates on behalf of the applicant. The definition of this role is as follows:-
Certificate Requester – The ExtendedSSL Certificate Request MUST be submitted by an authorized Certificate Requester. A Certificate Requester is a natural person who is Applicant, employed by Applicant, or an authorized agent who has express authority to represent Applicant or a third party (such as an ISP or hosting company) that completes and submits an ExtendedSSL Certificate Request on behalf of Applicant.
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