Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Web Design > Do I have to provide you with my content?
To put it simply, you really don’t have to provide us with content. The major strength of our service (we believe) is to provide the expertise to give you the Website you want. We don’t, however, know the ins and outs of your business, what appeals to your customers, etc. That’s where your expertise comes into play. We need you to provide personalized content to us to make your Website come alive. We encourage you to think about a Website designer as a contractor you hire to build a house; we can build you your dream house, but wouldn’t dare decorate it for you. If you give us your decorating (content) choices during the build, we’ll install them for you. If you need time to think about what you want, no problem, we’ll provide guidance on how to add your content when you’re ready, and if you have a maintenance contract, we’ll do it for no additional cost. If you would like us to help write some content for you, we can do that too, please contact your Client Coordinator for more details.
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