Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Web Design > When do we consider a project done?
Ideally we consider a project done when you have the Web site you want.
Our criteria for project completion are as follows:
- Development and implementation of design selection or custom design choices is complete, this includes custom color choices and any logos we’ve designed for you.
- Development and implementation of all Web pages purchased as part of the project are complete.
- If you’ve provided personalized content (images, text, etc.) to us during the development process we will implement, otherwise we will implement sample content where appropriate. If you’ve purchased content development or selection services, that will be completed and implemented.
- All online contact forms purchased have been implemented.
- The online store has been implemented (if applicable).
- Any custom options purchased have been implemented.
- All major graphic design work (headers, footers, backgrounds, etc) has been completed.
- All hyper linking and navigation has been completed.
- All back-end coding has been completed.
- You’ve had one primary opportunity to review and make comments to your Web site project.
- We’ve tested everything and fixed any known bugs.
- We’ve moved all necessary files to the appropriate directory within your hosting account and have published your Web site.
Based on experience with hundreds of customers, we occasionally see a mismatch of expectations related to the number of times changes can be made, and the scope of these changes.
Once a design selection has been made – custom or otherwise – we cannot implement a significant change to that design selection as part of the standard package. We consider this type of change as structural, and is akin to starting over. This kind of change, if requested, would require the project to be re-quoted, and is likely to incur additional costs.
The kinds of changes which are supported during the Review and Comment phase include:
- Substituting or changing content (text, images, products, descriptions).
- Adjusting page titles, images, menu text
- Adding or dropping links
- Other minor changes
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity provided during the development of the project to make changes which are considered to be in scope.
We reserve the right to limit the number and scope of changes, and will only do this if requests become excessive or unreasonable and delay web site completion. We want you to have your Website, and often times it’s best to simply declare yourself done, publish your site, and make changes after your customers have had a chance to interact with it. After all, your Web site should be considered a living project (of course we know it’s not alive), and needs to evolve as your business evolves.
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