Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Email Newsletters > What does the reporting mean? What are opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, etc.?
Sent – The total number of unique email addresses that this email was sent to.
Opened – The total number of unique email addresses that opened your email. Rough goal: 20%
15-20% is average, 25% is good and 30% or above would be phenomenal. If you click on “opened” it will then give you Unique Opened and Total Opened numbers. Unique Opened is the number that “Opened” already summed up, and represents different people that opened your email. So, if someone opens your email 5 times, that’s 1 unique open and 5 total opens.
Clicked – The total number of unique recipients that clicked at least 1 link in your campaign. If you click “Clicked,” you’ll see “unique” and “total” clicked, same principle as with Opened. Rough goal: 1-2% is about average.
This represents the total portion of your recipients altogether (not just out of your opens) that clicked a link.
Bounces – The total number of emails that didn’t get there. Some may be soft bounces and are totally good emails (we’ll retry those up to 5 times per campaign), others get lost in junk folders, and others are “Hard bounce – invalid,” but each unique recipient that did not get it successfully is a “Bounce.” Look to keep this under 3%.
Unsubscribed – The total number of unique recipients that unsubscribed from that particular campaign.
Spam Reports – The total number of unique recipients that clicked “Spam” in Gmail/Yahoo mail/Hotmail/Comcast or any mail program that has a “Spam” button. Goal: 0.1% or less.
But getting a bit over 0.1% sometimes is OK; it’s not a huge threat until it approaches 0.5%.
Forwards – The total number of times your email has been forwarded with the “Forward to a Friend” link. (If someone just clicks “Forward” in their Outlook for instance, that will not register.)
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