Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Email Newsletters > How do I send "from" a different email address, or change my "reply-to" address?
1. Click on the "Emails" tab at the very top of the screen.
2. Click "Verify Email Addresses" towards the top left of the page, underneath the turquoise box with your business name in it.
3. Click "Verify another address."
4. Stay logged into RatePoint, and open up the email account of the address you're verifying.
5. Click on the verification link in that email. Now the new email address should be verified.
6. From now on, whenever you create an email campaign, when you're on the "Settings" phase of an email campaign, this new verified email address will be selectable in the "From" and "Reply-to" dropdown boxes.
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