Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Email Newsletters > How do I set up drip marketing?
My intent is to set up a campaign and have new contacts start out with Email #1 of the series. Is that possible?
Absolutely! First of all, you'd make all of your email campaigns in RatePoint, just like regular email campaigns. (I'd recommend sending them, even if just to yourself, to make sure the campaigns are "active.")
Then, go to Emails -> Create an Autoresponder, and create one.
You can give it a name and description; this won't be seen by anyone and is just for your benefit.
You can choose which groups receive it (or all), and for these purposes leave the "Subscribed" dropdown set as it is.
Then, click the "Add Campaign" button at the bottom of the page. Choose a campaign, and how many days after the signup you want it to be sent (0 days = immediate).
You can keep hitting "Add Campaign" until you've added up to 5 campaigns in one autoresponder. (Really though, if you needed more than 5, you could just make another autoresponder picking up where the last one left off)
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