Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Email Newsletters > How do I delete undelivered emails (bounces)?
I want to delete contacts that are not getting delivered, to make
room for new ones and still stay under my contact limit, but it seems that I
can't permanently delete these contacts. Are they being counted
toward my limit? If so, help me get rid of them, please.
We do automatically remove bad emails from your list. The "undelivered contacts" basically already are deleted; they've already been removed from your usable list and will not count toward your "contacts used." We just show them under the "undelivered contacts" section for your reference.Note that "contacts used" measures the number of usable contacts you've had in the account all month. So, when someone unsubscribes or becomes undeliverable, the number won't immediately go down (it still counts for that month), but once the next billing month starts that contact will no longer count.
Also note that we do only put a contact in the "undelivered contacts" if the email is definitely bad; if it's a soft bounce (temporary error), we'll keep trying to reach it.
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