Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Email Newsletters > Can I embed YouTube videos or music into my email?
I embedded some HTML code (a YouTube video) into an email campaign; it worked fine until I clicked Save - then it vanished. Can you help?
We actually can't support any embedding of music/videos, really for compatibility and deliverability reasons. We'd love to, but many email clients don't support JavaScript -- and it increases the chance of getting filtered into junk folders.
What we recommend is taking a screenshot of the paused YouTube video (with the little "Play" button in the middle) and then uploading that image, and just linking it to the actual YouTube page.
For PC's, you can download SnagIt to do help with this.
For Macs, we recommend downloading Skitch to take good screenshots.
Once you have a .jpg image of your paused video, you can insert that right into your RatePoint campaign and link it to wherever your video is hosted.
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