Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Email Newsletters > How Do I Import Contacts from a Spreadsheet?
If you're creating a spreadsheet of contacts to import, be sure to go to File -> Save As in Microsoft Excel. Choose a .csv file type in the drop-down list (most likely it will say Microsoft Excel Workbook by default). It may call it "comma-separated" or "comma-delimited;" either of these will do. You may have to click the "More file types" button to see these.
In the RatePoint console, go to the "Contacts" tab and click "Import Contacts." Now choose to "Import from a custom file." Browse for the file on your computer, click all four checkboxes that verify you are not spamming, and click "Import."
On the next page, you will see a drop-down list that reads "Do Not Import" to the right of each column header from your imported file. Simply click "Do Not Import" drop-down list and select the corresponding header to the left. For example, choose "Email Address" to correspond with email field from your imported file; "Phone" for phone number, "Company" for company and so on and so forth.
Click "Submit," and you will be taken to the final phase of the import process where you'll see a sample of 10 of the emails you'll be importing. At the top of that page, you can choose to add these email addresses to a group from a drop-down list if you choose to do so. You can also create a new group by clicking the "Create New Group" button. Upon clicking the "Import" button at the bottom of this page, your contacts will be added to your address book momentarily.
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