Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Social Sharing > Why didn't my campaign get posted to my Twitter and/or Facebook?
First, make sure that you have checked the Twitter and/or Facebook checkbox on the "Settings" tab of your campaign. (Also make sure you have the "Automatically include a link" box checked if you wanted to post a link to the online version of your newsletter.)
Once you complete the sending process, it can take 5-10 minutes for the post to show up, although usually it is almost instant. If you had this Twitter/Facebook checkbox checked and saw nothing, something may have been going on with Twitter/Facebook at the time.
While Twitter and Facebook's actual sites rarely go down, their back-end third-party integration (which we use to post updates to them automatically) are relatively prone to outages. So, ultimately, you can do a re-send of your campaign to try again to post it.
You can go into the "Recipients" tab of your campaign, maybe just add 1 recipient that hasn't gotten the campaign yet, and send the campaign again.
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