Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Reviews > How do I install RatePoint Seals and Buttons using SiteDelux or SiteBuilder?
To install a RatePoint site seal, feedback button or pop-up in SiteDelux you need to do the following.
1. Login to your SiteDelux control panel.
2. Edit the Page you wish to add your seal to.
3. At the bottom of the page choose "Add Web Gem"
4. Select the "Add it Here" button where you would like to place the seal or button.
5. Choose "Site Addons"
6. Then select "Add" under "Add Your Own HTML"
7. Paste the RatePoint Site Seal or Button Code into the text box, then click "Done."
8. Now select "Publish to Web" when your site edits are complete. The seal should now display on your website.Note: the Site Seal may not display in the preview or editing modes.
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