Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Reviews > Can I resize my testimonials page to fit my web page?
Yes, The RatePoint Testimonials Page can be resized to fit your website, but you will need to edit the HTML code to do so.
Resize the width of your testimonials page by adding "&width={pixels}. The sample code below shows where to add this to the code.
<!-- start RatePoint Testimonials - Please, do not change -->
<div id="rp_testimonials"> Â </div><script src="//sitetools.ratepoint.com/testimonial/5414?style=1&color=1&number_of_reviews=8&category=&show_average_rating=1&show_stars=1&show_date=1&show_reviewer_name=1&width=400"></script><!-- end RatePoint Testimonials - Please, do not change -->If you are unsure of the pixel size, keep experimenting with different sizes until you get the right fit for your web page.
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