Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Reviews > Can I hide negative reviews?
A negative review will be hidden if you resolve the issue with the reviewer.
You will be notified by email when you receive a Dispute (a 1-2 star review), and you will then have 7 days to log into RatePoint and respond to the customer. If they don't respond to you within 7 days of your reply, the review will be marked as "resolved" and therefore hidden. (The reviewer will also have the choice to mark "resolved" themselves at any time.)
If you do not respond to a customer within the allotted time and the review gets posted, or if you go back-and-forth with the customer for several rounds and they finally mark the issue as "unresolved," the review will be posted and it cannot be hidden. You will, however, have the ability to write a "management response" so that your side of the story will be told on your RatePoint profile page.
Note: Over 90% of Disputes are successfully Resolved in the RatePoint system.
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