Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Surveys > How do I link to a survey in my email campaign?
First of all, you'll need to set your survey's status to "Active." You can to go "Surveys," "My Surveys," and click on the name of the survey you want to activate. If it's not yet "Active," you'll see "Draft - Change Status" toward the the top right of the page. Click on "Change Status" and then click "Change Survey Status" on the next page. Choose "Active" and then click "Update."
Now, you can go back into your email campaign by going to "Emails," "My Campaigns," and clicking on the name of the campaign you're working on. Click "Edit" in the top left of the block you want to work on.Then, put your cursor where you want to insert the survey link, and click "Surveys" (near "Link" and "Image" along the left side of the screen). You can also right-click and choose "Insert Survey Link."
Simply choose the survey you want to link to, and click "Insert."Â This link will even track the email address of the recipient, so you can tell which responses came from whom.
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