Portal Home > Knowledgebase > RatePoint - Email Marketing > Announcements > Your customers, followers and fans can share your reviews on Twitter and Facebook
Your customers, followers and fans can share your published reviews with the new Twitter and Facebook sharing options.  (Oh, and you can use it too if you like)
We wanted to make it easier for you to get your reviews and testimonials in front of your existing and new customers. Â So, we did just this and added new sharing options which will show on your RatePoint pages.
* We are adding more sharing options in the coming weeks, stay tuned. Â You will see these same sharing options show up in your RatePoint business center soon. For now, you can use these links on your RatePoint pages to share.Â
Here are some examples of the sharing options on your RatePoint pages:
Sharing on Twitter:
Sharing on Facebook:
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