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Blackberry Deleted Items Synchronization

If you delete an email item on your BlackBerry, and it doesn't delete from Outlook, the first thing you should check is the following setting on your BlackBerry device:

Go into Messages (Email)

Click on the thumbwheel and select Options

Select Email Reconciliation

Change the "Delete On" option to "Mailbox & Handheld"

Verify that the "Wireless Reconcile" option is "On"

Verify that the "On Conflicts" option is "Mailbox Wins"

Save your settings

If, on the other hand, you delete an email from Outlook and it doesn't delete on your BlackBerry, the first thing you should think about is whether your Deleted Items folder is emptied on a regular basis. Your BlackBerry device will only know to delete an email from itself if the email is in your Deleted Items folder in Outlook. If you empty your deleted items folder (as I used to do, many times a day in an insane bid to keep my mailbox "clean"), any messages emptied that are still on your BlackBerry will remain on your BlackBerry.

So, before you empty your Deleted Items, make sure your BlackBerry is up-to-date (as far as deleted items are concerned). Email reconciliation for deleted items is as "real-time" as it for receiving new emails. The "Reconcile Now" option to be useful in getting emails deleted from my BlackBerry that are in your Deleted Items in Outlook.

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