Portal Home > Knowledgebase > SharePoint Hosting > How do I backup my SharePoint 3.0 site?
SharePoint sites are not actually moved from one location or server to another; rather, they are backed up to a file, and then the content or site is re-created from the backup file. The Backup and Restore feature in Office SharePoint Designer 2007 is the best way to move an individual site or subsite from one server to another.
Backup a SharePoint site
Backing up a Web site creates a content migration package, or .cmp file. When you back up a Web site, you can choose to back up either the top-level Web site or the top-level Web site and any subsites. The backup file that you create includes list or library content, security settings, user information, navigation, customizations, and personalization's (such as views, site templates, and content types). The backup file does not include workflows, alerts, and properties stored at the site collection level. To back up a site, you must have administrator permissions for that site.
1. Open SharePoint Designer and from the File menu, click Open Site.
2. In the Open Site dialog box, browse to and click the Web site that you want to back up, and then click Open.
3. On the Site menu, point to Administration, and then click Backup Web Site.
4. In the Backup Web Site dialog box, to include all subsites of the current Web site in the backup, select the Include subsites in archive check box.
5. If the current Web site is low on available storage space, click Advanced, enter a new location, and then click OK.
6. Backing up a Web site requires a location to store temporary backup files. By default, Office SharePoint Designer 2007 uses the current Web site.
7. In the Backup Web Site dialog box, click OK.
8. In the File Save dialog box, select the location where you want to store the .cmp file.
9. In the File name box, type the name for the file, and then click Save. If the site that you are backing up or restoring is large, the process can take quite a while.
Special Instructions for Sites over 24MB
Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 may have problem to backup a SharePoint site over 24 meg. Here the workaround to be able to take a full backup of your SharePoint site:
1. Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007, create a backup file and save it to your computer.
2. Go to your SharePoint recycling bin and locate the files it created during the backup and restore those files, and then download them to your computer.
3. Change the filename from .cmp to .cab
4. Extract all the files from all your .cabs to a folder say... 'tmpSharePoint'
5. Go here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310618 and get yourself a copy of cabarc
6. Now run the command.. like.. 'cabarc N sharepoint.cab tmpSharePoint \*.*'
7. Rename SharePoint.cab to SharePoint.cmp
8. Restore
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