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Create Your SharePoint Site

The following steps assume you have navigated to the Hosted Organizations section in the Control Panel, if not please see the Control Panel Navigation KB.

There are 4 easy steps to creating your SharePoint site:

1. Click on the Domain Names link on the left side of your screen.

a. Click on the Add New Domain button. When prompted for a domain, enter the URL of your new SharePoint site. This must be a unique URL that you are not currently using anywhere. Do not enter the “http”. (typical URLs are portal.domain.com, sharepoint.domain.com, sp.domain.com, etc.)

b. After filling in all the fields, click on the Add Domain button to finish.

2. Click on the Users link on the left side of your screen. (If you are an existing Exchange Hosting customer, you can use your existing user accounts for your SharePoint site.)

a. Click on the Create New User button. The E-mail Address field will only be used as the username for the SharePoint site (unless this use is also an Exchange Hosting user). Be sure to select the correct domain name from the drop down box.

b. After filling in all the fields, click on the Create User button to finish.

3. Repeat step 2a for all SharePoint user accounts.

4. Click on the Site Collections link on the left side of your screen.

a. Click on the Create New Site Collection button.

i. URL: Using the drop down box, select the correct URL (this should match what you chose in step 1a

ii. Owner: Click the Address Book icon and select the person that will be the Owner of the site. The owner has complete authorization to modify/create/delete site content.

iii. Locale ID: This is your language.  This cannot be changed after it is configured.

iv. Title: This will be the title of your SharePoint site. This is visible on the site itself

v. Description: This is the description of your SharePoint site.

vi. After filling in all the fields, click on the Add Site Collection button to complete the site.

5. In order to access your site you must now add the URL to your DNS.

a. Option 1: If your name servers are hosted by this provider then this is automatically done for you and you may stop here.

b. Option 2: If your name servers are hosted somewhere else then you will need to create a DNS entry for your new SharePoint URL.

i. Create an A record in DNS for: SharePoint URL (step 4ai shown above) pointing to:

For SharePoint Services 3.0
For SharePoint 2010 (If your account was created after October 24, 2010 you have SharePoint 2010)

ii. Depending on your DNS provider, this may take several minutes to become active

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