Portal Home > Knowledgebase > WordPress > Installing A WordPress Blog
To install a WordPress blog with ibspoint it's very simple as we have a 1 click install software.
For a guide on how to install a WordPress blog see the below:
Step 1. Log into your ibspoint control panel
Now that you have your domain name and hosting account, you need to start by logging into your ibspoint control panel. To do this go to: http://www.ibspoint.com and click on the login tab (top right). Now enter the username and password provided in your ibspoint Welcome email under the CONTROL PANEL section.
Step 2. Removing Current Index File
Now that you are logged into your ibspoint control panel.
Important: By completing this step you will be deleting the page you currently see when you type in your domain name. You ONLY need to do this step if you want to install your WordPress blog on your main homepage. If you want to setup your blog on a new page e.g. yourdomain.com/blog then you don’t need to do this step and you can move straight onto step 3.
- Scroll down and find and click on the “File Manager” icon located in the “Files” section of your control panel.
- A popup called “file Manager Selection” will open.
- Click in the circle next to the globe image labelled "Web Root (public_html/www)"
- Click “Go”
- A new window should open. On the left click on the little folder next to the words “public_html”
- On the right you will see a table, click on the row which says “index.php” so that line highlights blue.
- Now at the top on the left is a delete icon. Click on this making sure that the “index.php” row still highlighted blue.
- Click the “Delete File(s)” button on the popup You can now close this file manager window.
- You can now close this file manager window.
Step 3. Locating WordPress
Going back to your ibspoint Control panel you are now ready to install your WordPress blog. To do this, click on the WordPress icon in the “Popular Choices” section of your ibspoint control panel
Step 4. Installing the blog
Click on “New Installation” which is in blue text and underlined. In the section "Install in directory" you can enter the page you want your blog uploaded in eg if you wanted it on yourdomain.com/blog you would enter "blog" in the empty "Install in directory" box. If you want to install your blog on your main homepage just leave this box blank. (You would have needed to complete step 2 for this)
Under “Admin access data” enter your ibspoint control panel username and password which you used to login to this control panel. (These logins are in your ibspoint welcome email.)
Then click “Install WordPress”
You will be taken to a page to finalize, here click “Finish Installation”
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