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What about “false positives”, will we loose any mail?

The SafePoint Anti-Spam Firewall system is able to provide high Spam/Virus detection rates of up to 98% or more and has one of the lowest false positive rates in the industry. In it's default configuration the SafePoint system is designed to minimize false positives (legitimate email messages being identified and blocked as Spam).

With no additional configuration or tuning the false positive rate is typically at less than 0.1%, or less than one in every 10,000 email messages processed by the system. However, should you experience any legitimate email being identified as Spam no email will be lost as any email which is detected as Spam and being over the "action level" set in the SpamFilter Config settings will be directed to the Spam Quarantine, which you will have access to via a web-based email interface.

Otherwise, these quarantined messages can be forwarded to an alternative offsite (not on the SafePoint system) email account that you may specify in the Spam Quarantine screen of the SafePoint system control panel.

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