Portal Home > Knowledgebase > SafePoint > What happens to Virus infected emails?

What happens to Virus infected emails?

Email messages that have been identified as being infected with a virus, worm or other potentially dangerous attachment are blocked by the system and delivered to the Virus Quarantine on the SafePoint system which you will have access to via a web-based email interface.

You will be able to log into the web-based email interface on your SafePoint system and view all of the email messages that the system has "quarantined" in the "virus" mailbox.  If necessary you will be able to retrieve any legitimate email message that may have been inadvertently directed to this mailbox and forward it on to the appropriate recipient. Alternatively, you can specify an off-site (not on your SafePoint system) email address anywhere on the Internet where the quarantined email can be delivered.

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