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We already have an email server, why do we need an Anti-Spam Firewall?

Internet email servers do not usually have comprehensive Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus blocking and scanning capabilities. such as Connection Control and Validation, IP/Domain RBL Blocking, Blacklisting and Whitelisting capabilities as wall as the ability to view, configure and control such things as system mail logs, mail queue management, spam scoring levels and Spam and Virus quarantine capabilities.

These would be just a few of the features and services available on the SafePoint Anti-Spam Firewall. It may be possible to install, configure and maintain some of these features on an existing email server however it would be a complex and lengthy task to source and install and/or custom program and develop all of the necessary software applications and other services in order to provide similar features and capabilities of the SafePoint Anti-Spam firewall on your own mail server.

The SafePoint system is a complete "out of the box" solution that is very easy to implement. There is no expensive hardware to purchase, no server to build, no software to install and configure, no compatibility issues, no on-going maintenance issues, and no steep "learning curve" involved. You can be up and running within a few hours and seeing an immediate reduction of up to a 98% or more of Spam, Viruses and other unwanted email being delivered to your email server and email account users.

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